ben cote core7 mark maiocca mark stiles mastermind groups networking groups referrals the core7 referral system Apr 03, 2018

I worked really hard making tons of mistakes and trying everything possible to succeed as Mortgage Loan Officer. After a few years I was experiencing a ton of success. I was one of the top loan officers in the company and no longer had money problems. However there was a bigger problem. My business was "A House Of Cards", that could crumble at any time. My business partners weren't loyal, they weren't accountable, and there was no predictability to my business.

The majority of my business was coming in from 6 sources at the time. 3 realtors, my loyal database of friends and family members, and two financial advisors.  Two of the realtors and one the financial advisors were partners that I never should have worked with. even though they were producers. They did not view our relationship as a partnership. It was all about them, and therefore they were not loyal at all. Here are a few examples of their disloyalty.

The 2 realtors used to threaten to take away their business all the time. One would always say, "If you ever talk about my marketing to anyone else, that's it. We will never do business again!". This statement would always come out of left field. We weren't even discussing her marketing.

The other realtor was a little more polite with her threats, but basically said the same thing. On every deal we will working together she would say "You know I refer you now, and things are great, but as you know you're only as good as your last deal."  She made sure that I knew that if I made one mistake, or one of her clients "perceived" that I made a mistake, she would send her business to someone else.

The Financial Advisor was even worse. He and I started a networking group where I brought my network in.  None of the network group members were from his circle of influence. I also referred many people in my loyal database to him, as well as my mother.  He ended up ripping off my mother, and not doing what was right for her, just to make a larger commission. Many times he also referred some of my people that I referred to him, to other loan originators he was working with. He never told me about these other relationships. He always told me that I was the only Loan Officer he worked with, and that I received ALL of his referrals.











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