Apr 08, 2018JB: That’s excellent. Now what I find amazing is how many referrals you were able to give to Realtors and CFPs by working the system. How many referrals were you able to give out by working the system?
MM: Thank you for asking that question. I work really hard to try to be at least as valuable to my business partners as they are to me. We really, really hit our stride over the last 18 months. I was able to give over 50 referrals to my Financial Advisor and 18 closed referrals to my Realtor partner over the last 18 months.
JB: 50 referrals to your CFP partner? 18 that closed to your Realtor? Of the Realtors we surveyed, we did not receive numbers even close to that. Now, I know we are going to discuss the ‘how’ later, but let’s continue to discuss how many referrals your Core7 Realtor partner received from others.
MM: The Core7 Realtor partner received a total of 15 closed transactions from the financial professionals which are the Accountant, the Estate Planning Attorney and the Property and Casualty Insurance Agent.
JB: So that’s 18 from you, 15 from the rest. 33 closings? So the Core7 Realtor can equate 33 closings to this group of 6 professionals. That’s really amazing.
MM: Yeah, it really is, but I found even more amazing is that the Core7 Realtor received over 75 referrals that became new additions to his database. So, they didn’t have a Realtor relationship yet. So when these people are going to purchase a home or sell a property, or if they have a friend or family member who will, this Core7 Realtor will be the Realtor that they work with.
JB: So this Realtor has a pipeline of people that will close at a later date
MM: And the best thing is that this number should keep growing as we continue to execute the Core7 with more people. So he should always have a stable of people that he’s always working with and following up with.
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