ben cote core7 core7 referral system mark maiocca mark stiles Apr 23, 2018


One of the things I’ve noticed is that there are people who are a bit fearful of referring because they think it reflects badly on them.  

MM:  Yeah. You know, many professionals refuse to refer because they fear the referral could possibly create a bad reflection on them if the client is not super satisfied with the service. 

Let me give you an example for a Mortgage Professional.  On a re-finance that can have a lot of tedious paperwork and unexpected delays, people get frustrated and they view it as it may be a bad reflection on them. 

Personally, I think this is selfish.  The client is benefiting and it’s the job of the referring professional to help the clients understand this.

Let me give you an example of what I mean in a situation that I’ve had.  My Financial Advisor got into this situation on a mortgage re-finance and the process was more difficult than the client anticipated.  They were frustrated by the process. 

My Core7 Financial Advisor stepped in and brought them back to reality just by stressing that the purpose of the refinance was to free up cash flow for investment, and explained that the $150 per month that we were freeing up in cash flow by this re-finance was worth the stress, the process was normal and that I was doing a good job. 

You know, he really just brought the client back to the original goal of the process.  It is a frustrating process and it can be, but it should never stop you from referring because it’s really best for the client.  

JB:  This is kind of our secret service rule we call it.  It means to protect the integrity of the team at all times. 

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