core7 core7 referral system mark maiocca mark stiles May 21, 2018

Estate Planning Attorney

Now let's review the Estate Planning Attorney. The Primary Referral Targets for the Estate Planning Attorney are the Realtor and the Financial Advisor. To refer the realtor, the process for the Estate Planning attorney is almost identical to the process we use for the Financial Advisor.

When doing an estate plan, it is important to know the value of all assets, including real estate. Suggesting an equity assessment and obtaining the value of their real estate can save the client some money as they may not need an official appraisal. This makes it very easy and also cost effective to ask the referral generator.

Here is how a Core7 Estate Planning Attorney poses this question-

" Mr. Smith, it's important to know the exact value of your property. How is your relationship with your Realtor who specializes in equity assessments?" it's really that easy. It's an easy question to ask every single time. We highlight the scripting in the Primary Referral Targets Module.

The next primary target for the Estate Planning Attorney is the Financial Advisor. Now this hand off occurs frequently in the natural flow of their businesses, but in a Core 7 group, we want to make sure it happens every time. Here's the most common way it's done –

" Mr. Smith, we reviewed a lot of the key financial concerns today that are important for you to address. How is your relationship with your Financial Advisor?

It's a seamless introduction. More details are addressed in the Primary Referral targets Module of The Core7 Referral System.

Guys this stuff is really easy. You just have to do it. Send it as an email if you’d like. You are helping your client become more successful, and protecting their overall financial health.


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