accountability reminder core7 core7 referral system mark maiocca mark stiles Jul 12, 2018

It’s Friday – Feel good Friday.  Share the love Friday.  Here is the prompting to send out some encouragement emails.  These are emails for the consumer and business professionals that you work with, that you can copy and paste and send as a nice touch to let them know that you are thinking of them. Core7’s goal is to make this very easy for you to make someone’s day.

Such a great way to end the week.

Here are what these emails look like:


Send to one of your clients and make their day!!!

Dear _____ ,

I just wanted to reach out and say hello. I want to let you know how much I appreciate our business relationship. I am very fortunate to have you as a client.

Thank you,


Send to one of your partners and make their day!!!

Dear ____ ,

I just wanted to let you know that it is a pleasure to work with you. Thank you for doing such a great job! I really appreciate it.

Thank you again,

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